The Ideal Global Citizenship for Indonesia
By: Early Zahwa Alharissa
Citizenship comes from the Latin word for city, because in the earlier days of human governments, people identified themselves as belonging to cities more than countries. Citizenship is more than merely living somewhere. If you have citizenship, you have a whole set of rights that non-citizens might not have. Usually you have citizenship in the country you’re born in, but if you’re an immigrant from somewhere else, you have to apply for it. Citizen also has meaning character of an individual viewed as member of society; behaviorn terms of duties, obligations, and functions of citizen.
Global citizenship has intend character of citizen who fetch in global values on their daily routines. Now in globalitation era, global citizenship sholud apply ini whole citizen of the world. It’s imporatant in order each citizen easy to connect and build good link to foster the growth of their nation. With citizenship characteristic, each citizen can see the difference and signature so that make we aware that there ara various figure of the human. But, the significant thing is each citizenship should uphold the good values which can accept in global position. Therefore, we will going a good citizenship in globalitation era.
So, how the good values that should we bring? As the motto of Gadjah Mada University, which we know it’s a international standard university, Gadjah Mada bring the value “locally rooted, globally respected”. It may means that the whole of members Gadjah Mada University family should have the balances of that value. Locally rooted has purpose to input the local traditon soul ini the meaning, so that we can get and choose which the local wisdom bring goodness to our, bring the goodness to global position. And also with that activity, we will aware the rich of our country, our village, it can stimulate the hearth and mind to love so much with them. We can send the gratitude to them, which being inspiration in our life in apllying the local value which so useful in global era.
Then, globally respected has mean that citizen in globalitation era have to respect and bring tolerantion in each nations members. In the world which now unlimited access, we need to enlarge the solidaritation and respectfull with another person to make easier the connection and link which can important in reach teh goal of country. But, that attitudes, should be balanced with local values which was explained before. It is used to prevent the more intervention ini each nations.
We need to get links, but we should keep our country independent. With that balanced we can also avoid from the other citizenship which actually cannot suitable with our values. Therefore, we will get the best link with another country which importand in foster of development but, we will free from the intervention, monopoly, and bad influenced from other nations. With balanced of that motto we can get more advantage and make sure that we can survive in the whole of global era. It may start from ourself as the member of Gadjah Mada University, then we should share with the another Indonesia’s citizen finally that soul and spirit desparate and we as Indonesia’s citizen has been ready in faced global era to get the more of advantage wihtout forget our local wisdom and our strenghten of nation autonomy.
Bibliographgy:, accessed on July, 17 2016 an award for good citizenship, accessed on July, 17 2016